Module documentation
This module is copied from the English Wikipedia page en:Module:Ustring. It has no documentation, and relevant information may be found at the corresponding English Wikipedia documentation page. For more details see the editing history of the module.

The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Ustring/doc.

require('Module:No globals')
return setmetatable({}, {
	__index = function(t, k)
		local what = mw.ustring[k]
		if type(what) ~= "function" then
			return what
		return function(frame)
			local fargs = frame.args
			local fargsused = { tag = true }
			local args = {}
			local str_i = 1
			while fargs['s' .. str_i] do
				fargsused['s' .. str_i] = true
				args[str_i] = fargs['s' .. str_i]
				str_i = str_i + 1
			for i, v in ipairs(fargs) do
				fargsused[i] = true
				args[i + str_i - 1] = tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1)
			if not fargs.tag then
				return (what(unpack(args)))		-- Outside parens truncate to first result avoiding tail call
			local tagargs = {}
			for x, y in pairs(fargs) do
				if not fargsused[x] then tagargs[x] = y end
			return frame:extensionTag{name = fargs.tag, content = what(unpack(args)), args = tagargs}